We have been starting to focus on our individual projects since mid March. Since I have been concentrating on my group project (the ACM Gospel Choir Documentary) I have not had much time to work on my individual film.
My idea is simple, I plan to create a short feature on modern day life and how we have adapted to today's world of fast food, fast cars and super fast broadband!
I have come up with a basic script idea and am starting to storyboard it. During the first lecture where we discussed our individual projects we were shown a few example videos. One that really stuck with me was called 'Terminal Bar'. It was very artistic and used stills and a voice over in a number of cleaver ways.It inspired me to do my film in black and white, in a Film Noir-esque way. I think this will give it a more professional look as well as helping me emphasize the message i am trying to convey.
Finally the 'Ozzy Cook' show is finished!After a grueling editing period we have managed to get the instructional cooking video done.We found we had a problem with sound whilst editing. The footage we took was just too long and so when it came to editing it down we realized that the sounds of the food cooking and Rachel talking was jumping about with the cuts. Because of this we had to do a quick audio voice over for much of the video.This is one thing i would have like to have had more time to do as doing it quickly left the video looking messy and the panic over realizing we had to do it again made us rush the entire editing process.
Either way i am fairly happy with what we produced. For what was my first real collaborative video I feel we worked well as a team and got the job done with a good portion of flare!