Wednesday, 17 February 2010

The ACM Gospel Choir Documentary

We have all been doing small bit of research in the last few days for this project. We all felt we needed to get a full understanding of the choir and what they are about. Kirsty looked into the BBC Last Choir Standing website. There was one video on there she found "particularly useful". The video focused on the choir Musical Director Mark De Lisser. Not only was it made in a very similar style to what we wanted to achieve but it focused on Mark, someone we believe could be the backbone behind our documentary. I phoned Mark, asking why he started the choir and how had he found the journey so far...the ball seemed to be rolling!

The Pitch

Tuesday came and it was time for us to head over to Paintworks in Bristol and Pitch our idea to their team. Unfortunately however I was unable to attend. The choir had been asked to go to the ITV studios and be involved in a show called Ultimate Movie Toons. We decided as a group that it would be beneficial not only for me but for the project if I went along, took and camera and did some field research.

I helped make a simple power point presentation for the pitch:

For this we used Google Docs.

Its a shame I wasn't at the pitch, I felt bad that I had left Mike and Kirsty to do it alone when it had been my idea all along! In spite of this i know they did a great job.

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