Wow can you believe it, the sun is STILL shining! The photo to the right here is the proof...that is where I had lunch. What a day!
Not only did I meet in my break with my good friend Cornish Mike (mentioned in many previous posts) but I discovered that one of the employees at Touch is in fact a long lost acquaintance from home. Rich Cracknell is someone I knew from around college and was friends with a few of my 'group'. We had a chat today and confessed recognising each other and he offered to show me the room he spends most of his time; the editing suit on site. It was very interesting to see...yet strange to think that some programs that millions of people are watching gets processed and worked on in these offices I am working in...very exciting.

The rest of the day was spent looking more into presenters. The ones i had chosen were too main stream. Touch were looking for someone fresh faced but with experience in the wild and with a new, young, energetic approach...back to the drawing board!
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