Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Touch Take Two

Over the last two days I have been following a similar pattern as on my first day.
I have been getting in every morning at around 9.30 am and being given the news papers by Emily (that or getting them myself on my way in), going through them for a couple of hours jotting down my ideas and anything that caught my eye. Its an interesting approach and im enjoying the challenge.
Sadly I have come in at a very busy time for touch so I haven't been able to spend as much time with the other members of staff as I would like but I am enjoying watching them all work and asking about what they are getting up to.

As the day went on I did some more research on some of the ideas from day one:

The Sleepless Elite-

Sleep helps to repair brains and bodies
Clock gene (dna for less sleep)
Vietnamese man had 33years without sleep (Thai Ngoc)
Father and daughter claim to need only 1-2 hours sleep and still worked two jobs
Morvan’s Fibrillary Chorea – Genetic disorder that stops sleeping

Ive had an idea based around 'Britain’s sleepless street/sleepless office'. This would be where two different groups try to go a week with out sleep. Or compare two families; one that gets too much sleep, one that doesn’t get enough. Feature on Thai Ngoc.

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